This lovely flat package awaits us this morning - saying Handcrafted by Sheryl of Nelson ( so easy to bring in my suitcase).

Macklen was having his breakfast, so an opportunity for you to see the youngest, here is is holding (with Mummy's help) my gift.
Inside is the most beautifully crafted card with a Christmas Tree, so neatly done, the message inside is a special -Love, Joy and Peace.
Some special person will receive this next year from me - it is truly amazing and I hope my camera has picked up the detail.
Thank you so much Sheryl
Sheryl I have spent ages looking at your beautiful card, working out the different techniques you have used lol it is gorgeous thank you so much!
With thanks Sheryl for the lovely card. What a lot of detail. Hazel
Thank you Sheryl, I am very impressed with all the time you must have spent putting together all these lovely cards. It just so happens that one of my favorite colors is PURPLE! Perfect!! Poor little baby looks a bit perplexed at what is happening, lovely to see the little man.
Thank you Sheryl, not sure if I will part with it though.
I have to ditto others comments Sheryl - so many different techniques that have come together on your delightful gift. Not sure I want anyone else to have this either!! Thank you, Debbie
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