I have known Gail for many years, and true to Gail's style , this would have to be something different.
I examined the instructions - Fairy Relocation Project it said - yes I am into this I thought - do I have to make something tho ? (pressure, pressure)
Gail, this is absolutely exquisite, the dear little house with the most perfect details, starting with the shoes on the end of the `poles', the little beaded chimney, the tiny windows, my fairies have now got a safe house to live -I am sure we will all join you as coordinator - I expect to see a web site in the not too distant future. Gail, this is just so sweet and so you - it's magical, it's whimisical and it's perfect to start our swap - bringing a little magic into our rather frazzled lives - thank you
*BLUSH* gee Liz, you sure know how to make someones day! I would love to see which Fairy Houses other lovely ladies have received, as each one is slightly different :) And yes I do feel a lifelong dedication to the 'movement' to relocate and provide safe houses for the homeless fairies around the world lol. I have just put some up for sale on my Felt site (Felt.co.nz) shop name is Haunted, so you are welcome to check out those differnt ones as well! Enjoy xxxx Gail.
Hi Christmas Craft Swappers
Today I got the coolest little fairy house, and became part of the Fairy Relocation Project
Thank you Gail very cool. From Hazel
P.S I also got to see Jamie's gift today and that was also very clever.
Gail, what a delightful idea! My little boy thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping our fairy house with me and we talk about fairies every day now! Thank you! Debbie
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