Saturday, December 24, 2011
I think this is my third year of Xmas swap and I love it. I am always amazed by the talent and the variety of things people think of to make. It's a neat way to share the Xmas spirit. Thanks to all those involved in the organising. Merry Xmas! Debbie
The gift for the day before Christmas.
Lovely red crepe paper parcel and pretty ribbon.
Inside is a lovely board to peg notes or
cards to. The backround is cream with
gold reindeer and stars all over it and then
orange cord criss-crossed to form the
hangers. To start us off there are two
pegs, one with a santa and the other a cute ladybird.There are
two cards on the board and I need to type out the message on one as it really is lovely and I'm not sure you can read it from the photo.
The greatest of gifts are family and friends".
Thankyou so much Wendy such a clever idea.
Well that's it for this year and again I'm blown away with the amazing gifts you have all made. It's so humbling to open beautiful gifts from people I don't know and to know the time and effort that has gone into all the creations. Thankyou all once again and another
big thankyou to Hazel, Wendy and Miranda(and Seini) for putting
it all together. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and all the very best for 2012. Luv Julie.
My morning is interesting, I am sitting here listening to Maori Christmas Songs as I type, I am also baby sitting Georgia and Fergus, plus a wayward puppy. Phillip, Nik and Baby Macklen are some
where in the Gulf Of Carpenteria fishing - they left at 3 this morning.

Our final gift this morning is from Edna (or as I know her -Amah) - this exceptionally talented lady is in her late 80's, and last Sunday morning was admitted to Auckland Hospital, I am assuming she is home, but I know all of us will wish her a speedy recovery and a Happy Christmas.
What can be in this gorgeous gold package with a pretty tag? - Fergus was a reluctant participant in the photo shoot -lol.
Amah - these two Christmas Decorations are simply amazing, one has a star and the other a Christmas tree, both neatly hand stitched - they too will hang on our tree here in Weipa - Amah has crafted for years and still produces the most amazing things - Thank you so much.
Like everyone, I watch in horror the events in Christchurch, and my heart goes out to them, to happen so close to Christmas Day is unthinkable, they have had enough.
I too want to thank each and everyone for making our 2011 Christmas Swap so special, it is always fun, - a huge thank you to Hazel, Miranda and Wendy for once again co-ordinating it, Julie - what can I say, trying to pack a house, trying to get Christmas together and posting Group 2's Blog, no mean feat, but another example of GIRLS CAN DO ANYTHING.
Merry Christmas from the tropics
LizAnother Swap Over
Hi to you all in Group 1, Group 2 and the Kids Group.
I can't believe that another swap has come to an end. Thank you to everone for the awesome gifts. Thanks to the bloggers for your efforts. We will contact everyone next year to see who will be keen for another year of sharing crafty gifts.
Wishing you all a safe and merry festive season. Hazel
I can't believe that another swap has come to an end. Thank you to everone for the awesome gifts. Thanks to the bloggers for your efforts. We will contact everyone next year to see who will be keen for another year of sharing crafty gifts.
Wishing you all a safe and merry festive season. Hazel
Thank you
Good Morning Everyone,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that was in Group 2 for their amazing gifts they have made my first year of the 12 Days of Christmas Swap amazing. Every gifts was beautiful and everything was unique.
To those in Group 1 and the Kids Group what an amazing job! It was lovely to be able to come to the blog and see all the wonderful gifts that you made.
I remember the first year the swap happened and I watched Hazel opening each days gift and found it so exciting, thank you for including me in the joy of the christmas swap this year. I have probably driven my friends and workmates here in Wellington a little nutty with the repeated remark of look what I got in my christmas swap today! I hope it won't be the last swap I participate in.
Thank you to Liz, Julie, and Wendy for posting each days gift, you make coming to the blog each day exciting.
Thank you Hazel, Miranda, and Wendy for organising all the parcels to be sent as that would have taken much time and effort.
I hope that everyone has an amazing christmas and a great new year.
Once again thank you to everyone for this magical experience.
With love, Lisa
Friday, December 23, 2011
Kids Swap *Days 10 and 11*
Yesterday we had gift 10 from Kyla, and oh my gosh!!!! Kyla has made the most adorable wooden handbags, each one has been painted and papered, then stuck together. You have done a wonderful job co-ordinating the paints and papers, thank you Kyla :)

Today we opened up gift 11 from Alex! What a very yummy idea, a recipe for Christmas treats, embellished with ribbon and a sweet beaded charm, we can't wait to make these biscuits Alex, thank you!
Today we opened up gift 11 from Alex! What a very yummy idea, a recipe for Christmas treats, embellished with ribbon and a sweet beaded charm, we can't wait to make these biscuits Alex, thank you!
This lovely flat package awaits us this morning - saying Handcrafted by Sheryl of Nelson ( so easy to bring in my suitcase).

Macklen was having his breakfast, so an opportunity for you to see the youngest, here is is holding (with Mummy's help) my gift.
Inside is the most beautifully crafted card with a Christmas Tree, so neatly done, the message inside is a special -Love, Joy and Peace.
Some special person will receive this next year from me - it is truly amazing and I hope my camera has picked up the detail.
Thank you so much Sheryl
Christmas swap day 10 and 11
Soooo sorry I missed yesterdays gift. Christmas, work and packing up to shift just aren't a good combination. Got up real early this morning as it is Allan's 65th bithday and also to make sure I had time to visit the blog.
Yesterdays gift was from karen and the most amazing canvas tile featuring butterflies. One butterfly is in 3D and it is really amazing. Thankyou so much Karen for your gift which will certainly be hung in our new home.
Wow I wonder what is in this cute little green box. Inside is the cutest little house made from a walnut. It has a tiny fierplace with candle sticks on it, a chair and a light hanging from the ceiling. The entrance is adorned with a tiny christmas tree with decorations and also presents waiting underneath. The house has a tiled roof and it has been snowing. Alison you are so talented. Thankyou for another amazing gift.
Pictures are at the top of the blog , don't know how to get them down sorry.
Have a good day luv Julie.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I am wondering
if we maybe need to look at a change re; the Blog site -
It was originally started as a huge part of the Christmas Swap, so we could post photos of our trees / decorations etc, to thank each other, comment on gifts and generally have this lovely interaction , particularly as some of us are strangers to each other.
This year I cannot help but think we may need a re-vamp, a new look or something different as there are so few of us participating.
It seems a shame, as it is so easy to log in and post a comment or whatever, but I cannot help feel that the commitment to post daily for each group for little or no interest is maybe an indication that we have come to the end - I would so value input, and suggestions.
It was originally started as a huge part of the Christmas Swap, so we could post photos of our trees / decorations etc, to thank each other, comment on gifts and generally have this lovely interaction , particularly as some of us are strangers to each other.
This year I cannot help but think we may need a re-vamp, a new look or something different as there are so few of us participating.
It seems a shame, as it is so easy to log in and post a comment or whatever, but I cannot help feel that the commitment to post daily for each group for little or no interest is maybe an indication that we have come to the end - I would so value input, and suggestions.
A little earlier today, the children waiting patiently for Nana, they now have turns on holding the parcel for Nana.
Gerogia is holding this lovely `noodle box', with a neat pa
per flower in Christmas Colours on the top, there
is also a pretty tag.
OK kids, lets see what Hazel has made for us, we are all fingers and thumbs, wow Hazel, this is fantastic , a tiny white flower pot that has been hand painted, and finished with ribbons. Hazel, you must have had a very steady hand, the holly leaves and berries are just perfect. This lovely Christmas dec: will hang on our tree here in Weipa. Thank you - just perfect
Gerogia is holding this lovely `noodle box', with a neat pa
OK kids, lets see what Hazel has made for us, we are all fingers and thumbs, wow Hazel, this is fantastic , a tiny white flower pot that has been hand painted, and finished with ribbons. Hazel, you must have had a very steady hand, the holly leaves and berries are just perfect. This lovely Christmas dec: will hang on our tree here in Weipa. Thank you - just perfect
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Kids Swap *Days 8 and 9*
Both these wonderful presents use the reduce, reuse and recycle idea,what wonderful eco friendly gifts!
First is present 8 by Jade! How clever to make something so useful out of something so many people are just throwing away, thank you Jade, they are very cool!

Next is our present from young Astin! Another clever idea, using recycled picture books to decorate a bookmark, and finished off with a cool original artwork, awesome!
Well done Astin, a lovely and very useful gift :)
First is present 8 by Jade! How clever to make something so useful out of something so many people are just throwing away, thank you Jade, they are very cool!
Next is our present from young Astin! Another clever idea, using recycled picture books to decorate a bookmark, and finished off with a cool original artwork, awesome!
Well done Astin, a lovely and very useful gift :)
This is a mission, first my camera was faulty, then Nik suggested we go to the swimming pool with the kids, Phillip finished work at 6 am this morning and an opportunity to
sleep - Michelle, what can be in this beautiful cracker - children watching anxiously, oh wow a chocolate - that is when their interest wane
d. I was left to open the gift.
Michelle, this awesome, in fact stunning - each gift is so beautifully crafted, a gift card beautifully embellished ( I'm keeping it) , a stunning book mark with a pretty butterfly, a note pad with the same gorgeous butterfly detail, and a pen that also has matching paper (very clever) - Michelle, this is a lovely set and I am very impressed. Thank you so muchThis is Nicky B's gift to us on the 9th day.
Just look at the lovely Christmas Stocking that Nicky has made for us. The green ribbon and the braids look great. I will hang it up and hopefully Father Christmas will have something to put in it for me. Thanks Nicky, it's lovely.
Not many days to go now before Christmas and I know that children every where will be counting the "sleeps" ----- not only the children!!!!!!
Cheers Julie.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Julie's Present To Us
A long red box with a nice daisy embellishment and label is our gift on the 8th day of our Christmas swap. Inside is a beautiful bookmark with a small butterfly at the top and a lovely bead hanger sitting on a red base stick. At the bottom of the stick is the letter J made from tiny beads. It is just lovely and will certainly be used every time I read my book. Thankyou Julie.
Hi Everyone! Just want to say a very big thank you to all for my gifts. Of course I have only opened the ones I'm supposed to (although it is so tempting to do the rest) and am once again blown away by the talent and thought that you all put into these treasures. WOW. Big smiles and pink fuzzies. The photos of our young groups' gifts are very very nice too, well done everyone :) Kind regards Alison

I had two little helpers this morning and remember I am three hours behind you at home, so it still is quite early, plus I have only just got my laptop set up.
This lovely gift was carefully opened by Fergus, and the kids are wondering why they are not getting a gift .
Inside the package and nestled in a red tube is the the most beautifully crafted Christmas bell, the wire detail is fantastic. This is going to be hung on our Christmas tree here in the tropics. Love this , so delicate and pretty.
Thank you Brigitte
Monday, December 19, 2011
Kids Swap *Days 6 and 7*
Day 6 and this present is from Seini! You are very clever Seini, these bracelets are so lovely, the colours are very cool, and the beads are a great touch, the girls haven't taken them off :) great job!
Day 7 and we opened Breena's gift, and we got very excited! Beautiful photo books to add our own special photos too! The papers and embellishments are carefully co-ordinated and gorgeous, thank you you for such a thoughtful gift Breena :)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Paula's gift on the 6th day.
A lovely unusually shaped gift wrapped in green cellophane and tied with a red ribbon, so Christmasy. Inside is a gorgeous decoration made from 2 red christmas prints and one plain red. it is stunning, 3 sided and on all the edges Paula has sewn a cord of tiny gold beads which also make the hanger. At the bottom is a small gold bell. It looks amazing. Thankyou so very much Paula.
Medge, he is beautiful, cuddly, adorable and your inspirational wrapping is awesome - you are so talented.
My monkey is made with this soft stretchy fabric with his blue toes, the tip of his tail and part of his face , he has bright lime green buttons for his eyes.
I hope the photos have done him justice, my hand for some reason is a little unsteady - wonder why, may have something to do with the late night I had:)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Kids Swap *Days 4 and 5*
A bit late with these two presents...sorry to Kayla and Connor life seems to get away on me at the end of the week!
First is parcel 4 by Kayla..inside were felt fridge magnets and they are just devine! The colours are lovely and the sparkly letters...very clever:)They are on the fridge and ready for action, thank you Kayla!

Next is parcel 5 by Connor...and wowee! What a cool idea...these little colourful clowns (love their very artistic detailed faces!) bounce down the ramps and made us all giggle! We love them Connor, thank you!
First is parcel 4 by Kayla..inside were felt fridge magnets and they are just devine! The colours are lovely and the sparkly letters...very clever:)They are on the fridge and ready for action, thank you Kayla!
Next is parcel 5 by Connor...and wowee! What a cool idea...these little colourful clowns (love their very artistic detailed faces!) bounce down the ramps and made us all giggle! We love them Connor, thank you!
Our Gift from Eileen
What a lovely tag on the parcel with a christmas tree and a cute reindeer. Inside is a gorgeous needle pouch made from felt and lined with a pretty blue and green spot cotton. There are felt flowers on the front with bead centres and it is all stitched by hand so clever. But wait another tiny parcel sealed with a very tiny christmas tree - inside a packet of needles to get us all started. Thankyou Eileen it is so beautifully made and so useful.
We have sunshine in Nelson today so hopefully all those badly affected by the rain and flooding will get some respite. We are on a very stable hill so okay and all our family are also okay- we are the lucky ones!!!
Up a little later this morning, much to do as I am having a little dinner party tonight - Hemi has gone to a Golf Tournament, so I have the morning free.
What can be in this pretty bag??
Can't find the scissors, Marion has cunningly cello taped the top of the bag.
A pretty little package awaits... I look in wonderment as I so know the work and hours that it would have taken to stitch and assemble this absolutely exquisite Christmas Ornament -
the detail, the neatness of stitches, his little saddle even has the most minute gold thread chain stitch - he is simply beautiful .
Thank you Marion, I know you told me that you enjoyed making your gifts this year , but 12??
Friday, December 16, 2011
Jenny's Gift
Hi All Sooooo sorry about the late time of listing todays gift. Really busy day at work and we are in the process of buying a new home so there was a lot to attend to when I arrived home.
When I picked up the wee parcel this morning I was sure I could hear something jingling. Inside was the most adorable snowman with a red scarf and gold bell. He has a long yellow nose and very smart black hat adorned with two gold stars. Thankyou so much jenny he really is gorgeous.
Cheers Julie.
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