The beautiful tag - I am sure I detect a whiff of cinnamon -knowing Vicki as I do, she would have made the little star.
I wonder if she will tell us that she made the gorgeous wooden tags -two of her brothers are joiners, and her Dad was a carpenter, so could be! I am going to use my tag as a Tree decoration.
Onto the the unwrapping -I savour these moments and try not to rip and tear the paper in my rush -all beautifully wrapped oh `my goodness' the most divine little Angel Scissor Keeper -Vicki she is beautiful and your embroidery is so neat -I love her and shall treasure her.
I am sure the other girls will be thrilled and look forward to seeing their comments.
Stella drew your name first -so the surprise won't be as great in your house:)
Vicki lives in Christchurch and is the dear daughter of one of my dearest friends who lives in Nelson -I have known Vicki since she was a little girl, and at the tender age of around 13ish, she was doing the most neatest Cross-Stitch I have ever seen.
Thank you Vicki -your gift to us is absolutely fabulous
Wow, I am blown away by your beautiful angel Vicki! She is exquisite! You are so clever and the stitching.....! My daughter has claimed the tag as a necklace and is currently wearing it round her neck and dancing round the house! There was much excitment this morning when we woke up and remembered it was the morning to open the first gift! Thank you Vicki, I think your gift is just lovely, from Miranda (and Seini)
Well what can I say, just arrived home from a beautiful weekend in Awaroa and thrust into my lap was parcel number 1 from Vicki with comments like come on Mum open your pressie. The angel is beautiful and I may actually be able to find my scissors thanks so much Vicki
Cheers from Nelson, Hazel
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