a Christmas Bon Bon

opened by The Princess

and inside a fabric covered box, and as Babes would say "with embellishments"

and inside the box, a hideous green thing . . .

which turned out to be a fabulous felted cuff. Mine has a bow on the top, lots of sparkly beads and blanket stitching. ( I have to say Hazel, I do believe your blanket stitching is neater!!)
All in all, very gorgeous, very funky, it has not left my wrist this morning!
Thanks Mummy!!!
Oh -I am so pleased you hated it:)
I think you love Miranda more than me, I thought my post was outstanding as well!
Now now girls lets behave it is christmas after all. Share the love!!!
From the sensible one.
I think everyone is doing a sterling job of posting, commenting etc.
Hi Liz Well what a lovely surprise this morning I love the gift thank you very much for all the love that you put in to the making bit clever aren't you ???? Love Amah
Now I am up off the floor from laughing so much......!!!! you set the bar so high Rachael in the area of blog posting I am sure your (beautiful, talented, intelligent, kind, generous...) mother was trying to encourage me to keep trying, so maybe one day I too can have a gorgeous photo appear beside my comments and get my photo's and text to line up properly, just like yours :) I know Liz loves you more cos you got a bigger bead on your cuff than I did!!!!!!!!!
If all Swappers want to see a Blog and to laugh -go to where we post our comments and simply click on The Rose Room -that will take you to Rachael's Blog -read about her Christmas preparations (or lack of) -even I am impressed -Liz
I should think my bead is bigger than yours Miranda:) Rachaelxo
p.s thank you for acknowledging my blogging talents!!!
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