This email is a couple of days late sorry! Miranda, i was just speechless, what a beautiful bookmark and the work involved in it! It is just delightful and it will be used, Thank you so much!
It is sad to see our 12 swap days come to an end, as it really has been an amazing and the most enjoyable experience! Thank you to each of you for the lovely gifts, and to liz for making this all happen!! I am now looking forward to the next one!
Love Vicki

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Double click on Jean's tree to enlarge the photo and you can see our gifts -awesome!!
Merry Christmas to all
Thanks Miranda for the lovely bookmark. Such delicate work and the wrapping was great even thou I know it caused some stressful moments.
Merry Christmas to all of you, and safe and Happy New Year.Everyone has sent the most beautiful gifts all individual and creative so thanks very much for a great 12 days. Look forward to the next swap.
Cheers Hazel
To my swopper friends, I hope all had a lovely day yesterday and I am sure Santa was kind to you. Some how my day got away from me. I visited at our little hospital to make sure Santa arrived with the patients gifts and was blown away when 40 people turned up for morning tea. I am told that never before have so many people joined in for Christmas morning with our long term residents. It was such a happy morning and a pleasure to be part of it. Thank you to Wendy Jean Amah and Miranda and to any one else whose gift I have forgotton to thank them for. I have loved them all and the excitment and anticipation of opening the little parcels. Funny I even got excited about opening my own to see which one had returned to me. I got a book in my christmas parcels which has already given me ideas for next year so I hope we can all take part again please Liz. Liz an especially big thank you to you for keeping us in there when you yourself was having a difficult time. So a big hug from me. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone may 2009 bring you happiness and pleasure. Love to you all Adrianne
AMAH'S (EDNA) email
Miranda -What can I say
I will think of you when I use the beautiful bookmark as I do a lot of reading.
Thank you so very much, I feel so happy to have been able to take part in this wonderful Xmas swap.
Haven't we had some fabulous gifts and made such kind friends??
I do wish you and all the other swappers!! a happy and healthy coming year and roll on the next swap !!!!
Love to All ( Amah Edna
I will think of you when I use the beautiful bookmark as I do a lot of reading.
Thank you so very much, I feel so happy to have been able to take part in this wonderful Xmas swap.
Haven't we had some fabulous gifts and made such kind friends??
I do wish you and all the other swappers!! a happy and healthy coming year and roll on the next swap !!!!
Love to All ( Amah Edna
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stunning, amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely
Miranda I am so, so impressed , in fact stunned would be a more correct description of how I felt.
We actually opened them last night together, Amah, Rachael and I, and that was special, as we ooooohed and aaaaahed,
Jean from Cairns rang this morning (I stayed at Rachaels) and she too `blown away'

Miranda is another of my `dear Nelson' friends, and like all of us has fiddled over the years and I did know that she could crochet, but have never seen any evidence before - our bookmark is inspirational.
Thank you dear friend and I am so glad you took the challenge , your wrapping is gorgeous and imaginative, and you always say you have no talent -mmmmm !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully we will all contribute to our blog, until the New Year as it will be fun to chat about our Christmas.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thank You Everyone!!!
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your wonderful and clever gifts and for making this one of the most enjoyable Christmases I've had since I was a child!!! I haven't been able to get on the computer over the last couple of days and my apologies to Adrianne, Wendy, Jean and Edna for not thanking you on the day I opened your gifts however we (Seini and I) were blown away each morning by the beautiful gifts we saw when we unwrapped your parcels and I feel very lucky to have been a part of this great Christmas Swap - very humbled and touched by the time and effort everyone has put in to their gifts, you are all wonderful people!!! Have a relaxing day tomorrow and best wishes for the New Year to you all,
Miranda and Seini xoxo
Miranda and Seini xoxo
Merry Christmas to you all, we are going to open Miranda's gift at 12.01 , should still be up, but may not post, will see :):).
I hope tomorrow is a special day for you all, and that it will be as fun filled as our last 11 days have been.
Take Care Dear Friends and family and a big thank you for sharing `My Dream' and making our swap come true.
I hope tomorrow is a special day for you all, and that it will be as fun filled as our last 11 days have been.
Take Care Dear Friends and family and a big thank you for sharing `My Dream' and making our swap come true.
Merry Christmas from Cairns
Thanks you so much to each and every one of you - special thanks to Liz & Rachael for getting me involved in this very special Xmas Gift Swap - I so enjoyed making my gifts to you and of receiving your gifts to me. I just want to keep going ewith more :):):) Merry Christmas to all of you and take care Love Jean
Thank you Adrianne,Wendy, Jean and Edna
Wow haven't we been lucky, sorry in not getting on here sooner.
Adrianne I loved the blue/star xmas ball - my colours very clever. Wendy you made a fantastic job of the mosaic tile cross, well done.
Jean your gift cards are just lovely - yes too beautiful to use! Marian will love those as she is into scrap booking (infact she has whipped up a garden scrap book for me for xmas - just lovely)
And today we have this beautiful cross stitch xmas decoration - I can't believe you are 82 Edna what amasing work.
Only one to go, I'll say thank you now to Miranda for day 12 as not sure if I will be on the blog on xmas day.
A big THANK YOU Liz this has been great, I have loved been part of the 12 days
Merry Christimas everyone
Love Cheryl
Wow haven't we been lucky, sorry in not getting on here sooner.
Adrianne I loved the blue/star xmas ball - my colours very clever. Wendy you made a fantastic job of the mosaic tile cross, well done.
Jean your gift cards are just lovely - yes too beautiful to use! Marian will love those as she is into scrap booking (infact she has whipped up a garden scrap book for me for xmas - just lovely)
And today we have this beautiful cross stitch xmas decoration - I can't believe you are 82 Edna what amasing work.
Only one to go, I'll say thank you now to Miranda for day 12 as not sure if I will be on the blog on xmas day.
A big THANK YOU Liz this has been great, I have loved been part of the 12 days
Merry Christimas everyone
Love Cheryl

And I do believe that it is stuffed with Lavender - FANTASTIC!!!

Amah, as you will all realise is my Son-In-Law's maternal Grandmother, and when Steve was a little boy , he couldn't say Grandma (or I think that is the story)
And yes, Amah has crafted and stitched for ever, and if any of you are ever here at Christmas time, -her house is filled with the most beautiful Christmas decorations of all kinds, beautifully made -I am lucky enough to live close by.
Thank you Amah -your gift is simply beautiful and soooo neat
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
EMAIL FROM AMAH (Edna) 23rd Dec;
Hi Jean ,
I didn't have a clue who the gift was from today !!
No name on the parcel ! but what a lovely idea thank you very much
What will tomorrow bring?
Gets exciting doesn't it?
I didn't have a clue who the gift was from today !!
No name on the parcel ! but what a lovely idea thank you very much
What will tomorrow bring?
Gets exciting doesn't it?

What could have been in the little parcel? - the Customs declaration said `CARD' so no true indication of what was inside.
Jean, these are fabulous and I do feel that you must have a wee stash of Japanese papers.
They are all perfectly made, with minute detail -how patient you must be as I can see that these little gift tags were not just whipped up, as they are so perfect
Your colours and layout are perfect -I keep looking at them

Jean just so happens to be Rachael's' `Mother-In-Law' and Stella's Gamma, so I obviously have known Jean for many years, and again like all of us, has fiddled, stitched and made things for ever -she also used to do `framing' and had a workshop.
Jean has always loved all 'Japanese' things and Rachael has on her walls various fans , prints etc from Japan.
Thank you Jean -the gift tags are magnificent, that seems to be the wrong word , as they are too dainty for such a big word.
You are in Cairns, but this Xmas Swap has brought you much closer to home, friends and family.
Have a wonderful Christmas
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thank you Wendy! My cross is blue,white and red, and i just love it! You have put a lot of work into them with all the little pieces in the mosaic.
I cant believe we are up to opening parcel 10 tomorrow morning! This really has been amazing and i will miss the amazing little surprise/gift each morning, when we finish!
Vicki xox
I cant believe we are up to opening parcel 10 tomorrow morning! This really has been amazing and i will miss the amazing little surprise/gift each morning, when we finish!
Vicki xox
Hi Wendy
What a beautiful bag, complete with beaded tie, then when I opened it----
What a kind thought for the right time of the year, very appropriate and lovingly crafted each day brings us closer to the last gift- hope we don't all lose touch ?
What a kind thought for the right time of the year, very appropriate and lovingly crafted each day brings us closer to the last gift- hope we don't all lose touch ?
Have a good Christmas and a bright New Year
Amah- Edna
Amah- Edna
Good morning everyone, the gifts have been beautiful. The thought that goes into them is amazing each time I open one I have thoughts of the whole process of making twelve. It has rained all weekend the sky is grey but getting up to open our gifts just brightens the day and is so exciting now I remember what it was like as a kid waiting for Xmas. xxx Have a great day everyone. Wendy.

I love the idea and am actually blown away by it , the other girls will be as well -it is lovely

Wendy -well Wendy is just lovely Wendy - we worked together at Nelson Hospital, and she is the Head Orderly - but amongst other things is so very talented and does amazing stuff , she also has hundreds of projects happening all at once -you must all think that Nelson Hospital was a craft group , but many a discussion has been held (in work time) -it was fun
Wendy is a devoted Nana and her grandchildren have all been the recipients of her fabulous talents.
Thank you Wendy -our cross is beautiful and so very Xmasy -I love it
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hello Adrianne,
Another wonderful surprise gift today - thank you so much.
What a pity we cannot thank each friend in person, but how lovely to be able to share this friendship through these exciting parcels -
Can Xmas last all year ???? Edna

I t is hanging on my tree `Pride Of Place' and I can see Adrianne making this, she would have had such fun fashioning , planning and putting it all together -she would have had the room and table looking like a bomb -site

And now to a little bit about my friend Adrianne.
Adrianne now lives in Kaikoura where she is Nurse Manager (I think that is her title)
of Kaikoura Hospital.
I have know Adrianne for many years, both of us worked at Nelson Hospital - when I first met Adrianne she was President of the Nelson Embroidery Guild -she encouraged me to join and as they say `The Rest Is History"
Adrianne has been my inspiration -she showed me how to extend my embroidery, push the boundaries and introduced me to a whole new away of thinking -she constantly encouraged me and over the years we have `crafted and made' the most amazing projects.
When we are together -we tend to feed off each other's ideas and there has been many `non-work related discussions in the `Treatment Room' of Nelson Hospital.
Thank you Adrianne for the most amazing gift
Saturday, December 20, 2008
On the seventh day of Christmas
Glad you all liked your Victorian fans.
I had so much fun making them, I had seen them on a blog site sometime ago and knew that is what I was going to make for my swap gift.
The bags were a last minute idea . . .
Thought I would show you this photo I took today of 82 year old Edna (Amah) wearing Marion's necklace. It is stunning on her!!!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
I had so much fun making them, I had seen them on a blog site sometime ago and knew that is what I was going to make for my swap gift.
The bags were a last minute idea . . .
Thought I would show you this photo I took today of 82 year old Edna (Amah) wearing Marion's necklace. It is stunning on her!!!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Hi Liz I am lost for words now
Marion's beautiful necklace yesterday in my favourite colours Blue - couldn't have been chosen better, and today my lovely fan by Rachael ,
Aren't we just so blessed by having so many friends ? doesn't it make you feel humble?
Love Amah
Hello Marian and Rachel
Wow aren't we lucky girls, I love my necklace, I wore it to work yesterday - lots of comments, thank you Marian. Everyone wanting to see how you had made it. Butttons, buttons love it.
Some infor. on Marian, she is always making something - from crochet ( she has made me a beautiful blanket which I just use all the time), scrap booking, quilting etc great at making chutneys too! Marian works from home - childminding full on not sure how she has the energy! Marian has been to a Xmas craft night at the local craft shop and produced three beautiful Santas but from that some of the ladies are now meeting at her house to carry on with more craft!
Rachel (2nd cousin) you have impressed me as when I saw you down here at Labour weekend you hadn't started. I was opening your gift at 3am! I would have gone onto blog but couldn't get in??? Old computer! What a great idea and your bag is beautiful with bells. Very clever well done glitter girl.
Roll on tomorrow
Cheers Cheryl
Wow aren't we lucky girls, I love my necklace, I wore it to work yesterday - lots of comments, thank you Marian. Everyone wanting to see how you had made it. Butttons, buttons love it.
Some infor. on Marian, she is always making something - from crochet ( she has made me a beautiful blanket which I just use all the time), scrap booking, quilting etc great at making chutneys too! Marian works from home - childminding full on not sure how she has the energy! Marian has been to a Xmas craft night at the local craft shop and produced three beautiful Santas but from that some of the ladies are now meeting at her house to carry on with more craft!
Rachel (2nd cousin) you have impressed me as when I saw you down here at Labour weekend you hadn't started. I was opening your gift at 3am! I would have gone onto blog but couldn't get in??? Old computer! What a great idea and your bag is beautiful with bells. Very clever well done glitter girl.
Roll on tomorrow
Cheers Cheryl

Actually when I saw the bag I did wonder what HIDEOUS creation would be inside, especially when her house was covered in silver glitter (she is a glitter girl)
But all was revealed to find the most divine, and I do mean that:)
The construction alone is unbelievable, and the `old worlde' little picture s are unique .
I love it and it will grace my wall in `The Powder Room'
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hi from Cairns
Just to let you know I had an envelope today from Brisbane customs - They returned the Xmas pud recipe :):) LOL
Amazed at these beautiful gifts I am opening daily am actually feeling much closer to family and friends :) Liz you are amazing the box & bracelet are just awesome. I have just opened # 6 the button necklace is very special thank you Marion. It's so cool that everyone has made such different pressies just can't wait for tomorrow.
Maybe I can open a little earlier :):):)
Cheers Jean
Amazed at these beautiful gifts I am opening daily am actually feeling much closer to family and friends :) Liz you are amazing the box & bracelet are just awesome. I have just opened # 6 the button necklace is very special thank you Marion. It's so cool that everyone has made such different pressies just can't wait for tomorrow.
Maybe I can open a little earlier :):):)
Cheers Jean
Hi Liz
Julie here (Miranda's mum). Just have to email you and let you know what fun and excitement I'm getting from visiting your "Blog" every morning and seeing that day's presents. What amazing creations people have made and so beautiful. Miranda and Seini are getting such a buzz and I know "warm fuzzies" are never far away. You have done a wonderful job putting this together and what a delightful way to express the Christmas spirit amongst 12 people some of whom don't even know each other. Thankyou for my daily "wow" moments. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and best wishes for a great 2009
Luv Julie
This is just the best and ooooops -need to put this through spell check :) a few too many Chardonnays, but a very nice (Old Coach Road -Nelson) if anyone is interested:):)
Julie -thank you - it has been beyond my wildest dream and the Blog makes it even more special -sharing and caring (I now have to get myself into gear to get up early for tomorrow's posting !)
Julie -thank you - it has been beyond my wildest dream and the Blog makes it even more special -sharing and caring (I now have to get myself into gear to get up early for tomorrow's posting !)

I am blown away -and I say this to myself each morning -amazing- I am going to wear it to work this morning, even the way you have it attached it to the cardboard is perfection++

Marion, I am so impressed, fabulous, just fabulous, and now a little about Marian ... in fact I don't know her, and whenI asked Cousin Cheryl if she had a friend who might like to participate -Cheryl said `Oh Marion will' she is so talented and crafty' -so all I know about Marion is she lives in the DEEP SOUTH -Mosgiel -a suburb of Dunedin, Marian dropped her gifts off to me, when I was in Dunedin at Labour Weekend -we must meet again. (and soon)
Thank you Marion -and I am sooooooooo happy that you are enjoying our Swap -it is such fun to share our talents.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sorry I rung so early this morning Cheryl, I was keen to look at my gift, Must say I am enjoying this very much, great way to build up to xmas. Thanks Liz , loved the wee box and what a surprize to find the felt bracelet inside. Must say thank you to Eileen for the cute wee beaded serviette rings. This is so much fun, marian
Thank you cousin Liz,
Just lovely -you are very clever, what beautiful work you have done with a needle and I imagine you have made the felt to Liz? Beautiful work! I was late today - had Marian on the phone before I was even out of bed. This is causing alot of excitement down here in the south! What will Marian have for us tomorrow and then Rachel - exciting. I'm sure Marian and I would love to be involved again next year. Cheers Cherylx
Just lovely -you are very clever, what beautiful work you have done with a needle and I imagine you have made the felt to Liz? Beautiful work! I was late today - had Marian on the phone before I was even out of bed. This is causing alot of excitement down here in the south! What will Marian have for us tomorrow and then Rachel - exciting. I'm sure Marian and I would love to be involved again next year. Cheers Cherylx
I don't know what to say! Liz, you always come up with the most amazing things!! I got up this morning and opened your gift, and there was this beautiful wee embelished box you have made! But wait, there was more... inside was the most amazing wool felted bracelet you have also made. Liz, i just love it, and it fits perfectly!!! Thank you for your gift!
Love vicki xox
Love vicki xox
On the fifth day of Christmas . . .
My very own Mummy gave to me . . .
a Christmas Bon Bon

opened by The Princess

and inside a fabric covered box, and as Babes would say "with embellishments"

and inside the box, a hideous green thing . . .

which turned out to be a fabulous felted cuff. Mine has a bow on the top, lots of sparkly beads and blanket stitching. ( I have to say Hazel, I do believe your blanket stitching is neater!!)
All in all, very gorgeous, very funky, it has not left my wrist this morning!
Thanks Mummy!!!
a Christmas Bon Bon

opened by The Princess

and inside a fabric covered box, and as Babes would say "with embellishments"

and inside the box, a hideous green thing . . .

which turned out to be a fabulous felted cuff. Mine has a bow on the top, lots of sparkly beads and blanket stitching. ( I have to say Hazel, I do believe your blanket stitching is neater!!)
All in all, very gorgeous, very funky, it has not left my wrist this morning!
Thanks Mummy!!!

What excitement this morning when Seini came in to my bedroom with gift #5 "its Liz's one!" she said very excited (Liz is pretty high up there on Seini's list of special people...!) wasn't organised enough to get a picture of the gift before we unwrapped it (maybe someone else did?)........! But it was beautifully done in red and green cellophane, wrapped up like a christmas cracker with a lovely personalised gift tag which is now hanging on the tree (its becoming a bit of a ritual now!). Seini unwrapped it and we saw the most beautiful little red cylinder shapped box with a sparkly decoration on the top, braid trim and a sweet wee key on the back tied on with beads. But there was more.......
Inside the box a gorgeous bracelet made from felt

Isn't this awesome, amazing, beautiful, fantastic? -just what you have always wanted!!!!
Who wants to do it again next year?
Isn't this awesome, amazing, beautiful, fantastic? -just what you have always wanted!!!!
Who wants to do it again next year?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cairns here again
Hi swappers
I must say I am having a ball just so lovely to open a present every day :)
Thanks Hazel and Eileen (sister ) love the Xmas puds - Yes customs had opened this parcel as well I think maybe they thought you had sent real ones Hazel :):)
Will take the napkins down to Brissie Eileen thanks love the wrapping too :)
Good to see you managed a blog Mum :):)
I open mine after work and I promise I will take a photo of the tree with the tags half way through :):)
Cheers Jean
I must say I am having a ball just so lovely to open a present every day :)
Thanks Hazel and Eileen (sister ) love the Xmas puds - Yes customs had opened this parcel as well I think maybe they thought you had sent real ones Hazel :):)
Will take the napkins down to Brissie Eileen thanks love the wrapping too :)
Good to see you managed a blog Mum :):)
I open mine after work and I promise I will take a photo of the tree with the tags half way through :):)
Cheers Jean
I have taken the liberty of copying and pasting Amah's email to me.
Amah (Edna) is Steve (son-in-law's Nana) and like us all, stitches, crafts and still makes beautiful and lovely things.
Amah also lives close by to me, and does have a computer, so she is able to view the Blog and keep up with what is happening .
Amah (Edna) is Steve (son-in-law's Nana) and like us all, stitches, crafts and still makes beautiful and lovely things.
Amah also lives close by to me, and does have a computer, so she is able to view the Blog and keep up with what is happening .
I am really so pleased with the Xmas swop I don,t think I realised how exciting it would be the 1st gift is so cleverly made by Vicky what a lot of love has gone into the making . and the 2nd one well what can I say Cheryl must have spent hours sewing all the patch work these clever people !!! today of course Eileens gift which I liked the novel way she did the crackers Wonder what tomorrow will bring?????
Hope to catch up with you at the weekend Take care Amah ( I am 82 !!! ) gosh I am getting old eh ???

Anyway - oh I do love the colours, and the little red beaded serviette rings are gorgeous.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Spare a thought to poor Jean in Cairns -Customs savaged her box, even opened the Christmas Puddings!! attached recipe gone -some numbers not on her gifts - I am livid, however we have sorted it and think everything is in order for her -I have had dealings with the Queensland Customs on more than one occasion and all of them have been BAD -like having a wand thing brushed over me for DRUGS!
Thank you so much Hazel! The little christmas puddings really are just gorgeous and so clever!! I have a very small Christmas tree sitting on a table in the entrance way. Each morning after all the excitment and unwrapping, i place my gift on the table around the tree. I think my husband is secretly enjoying this too; each night after work he asks me "so what did you get today?"
Vicki xox
Vicki xox
Hi from Mosgiel, What great gifts we have been opening. Vicki I loved your angel scissor keeper, I have a wee pair of scissors that will love to sit inside the little angel. Cheryl is my best friend down here in the sunny and wet south, Cheryl I will treasure the little black patchwork bag that you have made . Did everyone find the breast cancer ribbon inside your bag? I have pin mine on the outside of the bag. I couldn't open todays gift fast enough, When I found the recipe I thought what is this, Then what a surprise when I found the cute wee xmas puddings, Well done Hazel. I am enjoying this so much, what a lovely way to start the day, Marian

In a previous Blog post, I did say that Hazel is very talented , but do you know until a couple of years ago, she could hardly thread a needle .
Hazel, they are gorgeous and totally innovative -Love my wee puddings and I just know the other girls will too.
Hazel is one of my very bestest friends in Beautiful Sunny Nelson
Thank you so much -amazing!
Thank you so much -amazing!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hi from Cairns
Pleased to say I got the parcel today - a couple of days behind and I resisted looking on the blog site well actually Rachael did tell me not to:) Thanks so much I have opened days 1 & 2 and just so delightful to know that everyone has enjoyed crafting :):) I have my parcels under the tree and Vicki and Cheryl the ribbons and tags are now adorning said tree. Will snap a photo in a couple of days and will have a go at attaching to blog mmmmmm
mmmm 3 hrs behind if I stay up til 9pm I can open another one can't I :):)
Cheers Jean
Pleased to say I got the parcel today - a couple of days behind and I resisted looking on the blog site well actually Rachael did tell me not to:) Thanks so much I have opened days 1 & 2 and just so delightful to know that everyone has enjoyed crafting :):) I have my parcels under the tree and Vicki and Cheryl the ribbons and tags are now adorning said tree. Will snap a photo in a couple of days and will have a go at attaching to blog mmmmmm
mmmm 3 hrs behind if I stay up til 9pm I can open another one can't I :):)
Cheers Jean
Thank you girls for making this real -I am humbled by your enthusiasm.
LOL and there is so much to look forward to.
Heaps Of Christmas Hugs
LOL and there is so much to look forward to.
Heaps Of Christmas Hugs
Thank you
Hi Everyone,
So pleased to hear you like the little scrap bags. I have been patchworking for a few years now - just a bit slow on some projects, like my daughter Kate's 21st quilt not quite finished yet and she is now 23 years old, that is my summer project - I must finish it. I will then need to start on Aimee's 21st quilt as she is 22 in February next year! Just a bit behind. I dabble in lots of craft and love it, but as Liz said the garden beckons too.
Can't wait for tomorrow to open number 3!
So pleased to hear you like the little scrap bags. I have been patchworking for a few years now - just a bit slow on some projects, like my daughter Kate's 21st quilt not quite finished yet and she is now 23 years old, that is my summer project - I must finish it. I will then need to start on Aimee's 21st quilt as she is 22 in February next year! Just a bit behind. I dabble in lots of craft and love it, but as Liz said the garden beckons too.
Can't wait for tomorrow to open number 3!
Greetings to all swappers isn't it fun having something to look forward to. Thankyou Vicki and Cheryl lovely gifts. Vicki I had a little pair of scissors so happy to have their own resting place and Cheryl your lovely little bag will be just perfect for me to put the next 2 little parcels in as I have to travel south for 2 days as I certainly don't want to miss the fun of opening my parcels. Look forward to reading the blogs when I'm back home. Thanks and Bye for now Cheers Adrianne
I have been waiting all day to get home from work so i could make a posting! I opened my parcel before going to work this morning. Cheryl, i just love it! I have been wanting to make a bag for ages, but always working on another project. Now i have the perfect size bag to take my stitching along in to my patchwork groups, I am just thrilled!! and so special to have one made by someone else.
Thank you, it's just beautiful!
Vicki xox
Thank you, it's just beautiful!
Vicki xox
Thanks Cheryl
I am a complete non sewer, so am utterly amazed at what can be produced from so called scraps!! You are very clever and thanks so much for your lovely gift.
Thank You Cheryl! from Miranda

Great excitement again this morning as Seini found parcel #2 and unwrapped it for me! Both of us speechless as she held up the most beautiful bag made from pieces of gorgeous floral patterned material. All beautifully lined inside, just lovely - my (lack of...!) photography skills don't do it justice. Thank you so much Cheryl, I love it - you are so clever :)
from Miranda

Well, here I was at 6.45am snapping away with my camera, I have to work full time this week -yuk, but I am so glad I was up bright and early.
Look what I got?????
This beautiful handcrafted bag, made with the most amazing little bits of fabric

Cheryl calls them scraps , all put together in little strips!!! hours of work.
Cheryl, just awesome and I absolutely love it -a girl cannot have too many bags and I am taking it to work

I can appreciate the many hours that were spent on your project, as I HATE-HATE-HATE sewing on a machine -this is what makes this gorgeous bag so special.
Thank you -thank you -simply beautiful- I love it
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thank You Vicki!!!

Oh Vicki, I can't believe you made 12 of these!!!! She is so beautiful and your stitching is so incredibly perfect!!!!! I love her so much, she is actually going to hang on the wall, much to pretty to have hidden away!!!
I did the same as last year and let Stella open the parcel. Like Seini she claimed the tag (love the tag, love the star!!! ) but unlike Seini she is going to put it on our tree.
Vicki, thanks so much, just gorgeous!!!
p.s. I am going to post on my own blog, roseroom, if you want to read comments from around the world!
Well done!
Hi Everyone,
Vicki your little scissor angle keeper is just beautiful. Your work is immaculate just perfect and I even have the scissors to go into the pocket. I to was awake early 6am but restrained myself from opening my first pressie that early! I have arranged my presents under my very small tree - they look so good with all the fancy wrappings. Cold here in Dunedin - even have the fire alight!! Roll on summer?
Merry Christmas Cherylxx
Vicki your little scissor angle keeper is just beautiful. Your work is immaculate just perfect and I even have the scissors to go into the pocket. I to was awake early 6am but restrained myself from opening my first pressie that early! I have arranged my presents under my very small tree - they look so good with all the fancy wrappings. Cold here in Dunedin - even have the fire alight!! Roll on summer?
Merry Christmas Cherylxx
Good Morning!
Hi girls. I hope you have all enjoyed opening parcel number one this morning and have some use for her! My main love is patchwork, but also love stitching embroidery, and trying something new. Yes, i made the little wooden gift tags and the spicey star button. I had some help from my husband who kindly cut the wooden tags for me, they were lots of fun too make.
Roll on tomorrow morning!
Vicki xox
Roll on tomorrow morning!
Vicki xox

The beautiful tag - I am sure I detect a whiff of cinnamon -knowing Vicki as I do, she would have made the little star.
I wonder if she will tell us that she made the gorgeous wooden tags -two of her brothers are joiners, and her Dad was a carpenter, so could be! I am going to use my tag as a Tree decoration.
Onto the the unwrapping -I savour these moments and try not to rip and tear the paper in my rush -all beautifully wrapped oh `my goodness' the most divine little Angel Scissor Keeper -Vicki she is beautiful and your embroidery is so neat -I love her and shall treasure her.
I am sure the other girls will be thrilled and look forward to seeing their comments.
Stella drew your name first -so the surprise won't be as great in your house:)
Vicki lives in Christchurch and is the dear daughter of one of my dearest friends who lives in Nelson -I have known Vicki since she was a little girl, and at the tender age of around 13ish, she was doing the most neatest Cross-Stitch I have ever seen.
Thank you Vicki -your gift to us is absolutely fabulous
Saturday, December 13, 2008
One More Sleep

I wasn't going to post, but I have just had a look and Vicki from Christchurch has posted, just look at her tree -our gifts are all beautifully placed on the branches .
Actually , I am a little poorly -I think I may have over indulged, so a very sluggish day here in the Beautiful City of Sails,
My guests loved the truffles, and the stuffed mushrooms were fabulous -the wine was also fabulous.
We are all on the big countdown for Day 1's gift which is from Vicki -
Don't forget girls, to comment on each other's posting -that is half the fun -and keeps us in touch with each other.
I wasn't going to post, but I have just had a look and Vicki from Christchurch has posted, just look at her tree -our gifts are all beautifully placed on the branches .
Actually , I am a little poorly -I think I may have over indulged, so a very sluggish day here in the Beautiful City of Sails,
My guests loved the truffles, and the stuffed mushrooms were fabulous -the wine was also fabulous.
We are all on the big countdown for Day 1's gift which is from Vicki -
Don't forget girls, to comment on each other's posting -that is half the fun -and keeps us in touch with each other.
I was placing them under the tree this afternoon, but thought it was a little more fun to put them in amoungst all the decorations. They are all in there!!
Vicki :-)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Beautiful site.!
I am amazed, what a wonderful site, such clever animations and wonderful pictures and "bits"!
I shall return for the opening of the "presents." HFS.
Written by my friend in Alexandra who has been following progress all year -Liz
I shall return for the opening of the "presents." HFS.
Written by my friend in Alexandra who has been following progress all year -Liz

While I was busy wrapping up my truffles , I heard a noise, and there under my Christmas Tree was this blue, sparkly bag.
oooooooh what is inside the bag ???
I had a wee peek -my goodness some people have been busy - 3 more sleeps and number 1 will be revealed

The truffles were another story-I am having a little BBQ here tomorrow night and thought it would be nice to give my guests a little gift-the little something turned out to be a major
LESSON -don't purchase cheap white chocolate buttons -but hey -the wrapping is fabulous , and hopefully after a few drinks they won't notice the imperfections -I have lamb cutlets marinating in Cajun and oil , plus I have just stuffed 20 mushrooms with yummy things -the ladies are bringing salads etc
No post tomorrow from me -will be far too busy.
Do you all like Hazel's outdoor tree? amazing
Cheers Liz -
LESSON -don't purchase cheap white chocolate buttons -but hey -the wrapping is fabulous , and hopefully after a few drinks they won't notice the imperfections -I have lamb cutlets marinating in Cajun and oil , plus I have just stuffed 20 mushrooms with yummy things -the ladies are bringing salads etc
No post tomorrow from me -will be far too busy.
Do you all like Hazel's outdoor tree? amazing
Cheers Liz -
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