Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thank you

Good Morning Everyone,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that was in Group 2 for their amazing gifts they have made my first year of the 12 Days of Christmas Swap amazing. Every gifts was beautiful and everything was unique.

To those in Group 1 and the Kids Group what an amazing job! It was lovely to be able to come to the blog and see all the wonderful gifts that you made.

I remember the first year the swap happened and I watched Hazel opening each days gift and found it so exciting, thank you for including me in the joy of the christmas swap this year. I have probably driven my friends and workmates here in Wellington a little nutty with the repeated remark of look what I got in my christmas swap today! I hope it won't be the last swap I participate in.

Thank you to Liz, Julie, and Wendy for posting each days gift, you make coming to the blog each day exciting.

Thank you Hazel, Miranda, and Wendy for organising all the parcels to be sent as that would have taken much time and effort.

I hope that everyone has an amazing christmas and a great new year.

Once again thank you to everyone for this magical experience.

With love, Lisa

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