Just look at Group 1, beautifully and neatly laid out -no room for error here. Clip boards, lists, double checking etc
Group 2 laid out on the guest bed, sort of neat, but not in the same league as Marion, who was in charge of Group 1 -yeah!!

Here you can see Marion's decorated foot, some little bits came off a parcel, and unbeknown to us, had attached themselves to Marion's foot, this is what I call the True Meaning of Christmas
A sample of the shambles. boxes piled up
And ......... here we are, finally the parcels are down the stairs, all ready for postage.
Phew... guess what we did when we came home from the Post office???
The Jacob's Creek Rose went down a treat!!!, but we figured we deserved it!!! (them )
well done Liz and Marion, lots of hard work there! Rachaelxo
Hi All I'm soooooo excited and can't wait to get the parcel in the post. Have to say my friends are to and I know I'll be inundated with calls each morning to share the surprises!!!!! New to the Christmas swap this year and I'm Miranda's mum. Miranda was part of it last year and it was I that did the ringing each morning to ask a very excited Seini (granddaughter) what the gift that morning was. What an amazing group to be part of, women using their crafting interests to make gifts for people they haven't met. When I was crafting my ?????? I kept thinking about those that would be getting one of these and hoping that they will enjoy them as much as I did making them but of course without the unmentionable moments!!!!! Thankyou Santa Liz for co-ordinating this again and your elf helpers for their efforts. Counting the sleeps until the 14th. Julie xoxo.
Looking forward to the arrival of the parcel - this is the first year I have taken part in the swap so Im very excited about it. There has obviously been a lot of work gone into sorting, packaging and posting these parcels - many thanks Liz (and your helpers) and thankyou for giving me the opportunity to be part of this swap. Jenz xxxx
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