Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Group 1 - Wed: 15th

Jackie, soooooooooo typical and sooooooooooo beautifully made...
I have known Jackie for many years and she is known as a perfectionist - this exquisite lavender bag is just gorgeous.
It looks to be made of wide ribbon, and somehow sewn together, with a double bow, ribbon and beaded trim.
Pretty green packaging and a lovely tag with Christmas Greetings.
Nicole is up each morning and sharing the excitement with me.
Thanks you Jackie - I love it-Liz

4 comments: said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jackie, the little lavender bag is just exquisite and so beautifully made! So clever :)
from Miranda

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

Jackie, Thank you for my gift. Very impressed and just beautiful! You are very clever!!
Vicki xox

KakesNZ said...

This is gorgeous Jackie. Thank you. It was placed straight into my lingere drawer.