Sunday, December 13, 2009


Marion and Junko have asked me to put these photos on the Blog, and you can see why...
Special times for the family, as Marion has her beautiful daughter-in-law and grandchildren currently living with her.
Just look at the concentration on Chloe's face
Julian is a Pilot for Armavia Airlines (Armenia), and cannot be home until February,
Junko supervsisng , and obviously Grandma taking the photos -Alec -you look as if you are enjoying this

Do I spy any of the Christmas decorations that you purchased in Armenia hanging on the tree??

2 comments: said...

Lovely family times - enjoy! Rachaelxo

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

Thank you Liz for getting my photos on the blog, I will have to try harder next year......perhaps I will have to come up just before the swap to have a lesson??????
A few wines should help..heh heh heh