Monday, December 27, 2010
The last present
Happy New Year. From Julie from Kaiteriteri.
Friday, December 24, 2010
We looked at the clock and it was 12.14 -so NO we didn't cheat.
Christmas Eve Group 2
Thursday, December 23, 2010
If you double click any of the photos they will enlarge, so will give you a better idea of the work, creativity, detail and beauty of our gifts.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!!!! from Julie
Rachel your black and white purse is so lovely and love the contrast of the red zip. Eileen what beautiful embroidery on the glasses case, thankyou. My beautiful earrings from Meredith are blue so will get a lot of use, thankyou Meredith you are very clever. Hazel the notebook cover is exquisite, I love it, thankyou so much. What a beautiful felt purse Jennie, the flower on the front is gorgeous thankyou.
One left I wonder what it will be !!!
Valetine Day swap, so it was with great excitement to see what she has crafted this year.
Amazing, beautifully painted art box with .....wait for it... a felted angel, she even has a pretty pink beaded Halo.
This is just fantastic and so clever.
I shall place her on my dresser for everyone to see.
Thank you Debbie - you are a very talented lady
Thursday 23rd Group 2
The parcel is all wrapped up in gold papaer with gold glitter swirls.
Wait wait till you see this. Sorry photo does not do it justice. Rope has all sorts of colourful material knotted down it, the most amazing handmade felt santa boots,christmas trees and star all with buttons and beads on them too. A little wooden peg holds them in place.
I love this it is awesome, so much detail time and thought has gone into this gift.
Thank you so much Julie, I love it, and will be finding the perfect spot for it when I get home from work, and have time to position properly.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Crafty Friends
Oh check out this lovely Christmas boot tag, that is so sweet.
Now the parcel is very, very soft, careful Nicole tells me as I am in great haste to open it.
Michelle, this is incredible, stunning and so unusual.
I have a gorgeous Christmas Cushion, (she made 12 of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Michelle has embroidered a sweet little feline angel, the detail and the amount of work blows me away.
She is so pretty and hopefully my camera has picked up the detail.
But wait ... there is more, can you see the knotted edging, I imagine this would have taken ages to do and I love the idea.
Thank you Michelle, this is neat.
Group 2 Wednesday 22nd December
This morning we are getting up to open a gift from Jennie.
Jennie comes from sunny Nelson, and yes I think it may even be sunny today.
The parcel is wrapped in red paper with gold stars and tied with gold tinsel and a cute little tag. It's soft to touch.
Wow when I get inside there is a layer of tissue and inside the tissue is the most beautifully stitched, black and red felt purse. Oh my goodness Jennie I love this, it is just awesome.
On the front is an amazing red and black flower with a really cool red and yellow bead in the centre. Blanket stitched around the edges in red thread.
I can see this getting a lot of use, thank you so much just amazing work, a really awesome gift.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Late! But not forgotten!!
It really is very exciting getting up each morning to open a wee parcel :-)
A very Merry Christmas to all!!
Vicki xox
I once worked with Miranda, and for someone who says she cannot create
Miranda this is just beautiful, pretty wrapping, and then inside the wrapping , another beautifully tied tissue wrapping.
What has Miranda made for us?
MMMMMMMM ...so you agonized over what to make, this is fabulous.
I hope you can all see this as it is sort of bobbled, with a pretty ribbon to tie it.
Mine is white/of white and so soft.
Inspirational my friend and a huge well done
Group 2 Tuesday 21st December
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thank You Stella Cole!!!!!

Group 2 Only 5 days to go!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Vicki this is just gorgeous, the work and detail on our Xmas Dec is exquisite.
But the tag............. wow!!! I love it and actually am going to use it as a decoration as well.
I love the colours and hopefully they show up as Nicole is back with her camera.
Beautiful fabrics , pretty embellishments and some handstitching, when did you find time?
Thank you Vicki- this is just lovely
Group 2 Sunday 19th
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Anyway here I am and today's gift is from Jean in Nelson.
mmmmmmmmm this feel soft and squashy.... let's see
Pretty Christmas wrapping and a lovely tag.
Wow! you made 12 of these gorgeous bags, especially made for the beach because they are made of waterproof fabric with little pockets - Jean this is fantastic and the sewing is so neat.
Can you see the bright and summery colours that Jean has used? My camera again doesn't do justice.
This will be used almost immediately as the family are going to beautiful Whangaparaoa for Christmas and the beach is close by.
Thank you Jean, this is a lovely gift -another talented lady
Group 2 7 Days to go.
Friday, December 17, 2010
From Julie in Kaiteriteri
I'm Julie and live in Kaiteriteri. I'm Miranda's mum and this is my second year in the Christmas Swap. Believe me it is wonderful to be part of it.
Isn't it just sooooo exciting opening a new parcel each morning. Allan and I were away for the first two days so I packed the appropriate parcels and sat on my sister-in-laws bed to open them. She was blown away with the gifts and the skills some people have and also the wonderful idea behind the Christmas Swap. Thankyou Alison for the decoration it is amazing and so clever.
My bottle apron and chefs hat is delightful and I know will cause lots of comment when I use it. Thankyou Marion. Gail what is the lovely smell coming from the exquisite snowflake, it is going to look great on the tree. Thankyou. Anita thankyou so much your necklace, it is divine and no I can't understand why you were nervous with that talent. This morning I opened Jean's pressie and it's the most beautiful sewing kit. Thankyou Jean it certainly will get used.
I've also brought out some of last years gifts to use this Christmas and they're filled with warm fussies and good memories. Hurry up tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Julie, my Butterfly is Pride of Place on my fridge
Group 2 a parcel from Australia
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wendy's packaging was so bright and colourful, bright lime green paper, with purple ribbon carefully tied in a pattern.
Inside revealed a hand -sewn and embroidered PEG BAG- we will all remember the PEG BAGS made with hessian
Mine is made with pretty green fabric and the word`PEGS' appliqued -I am very impressed.
Thank you Wendy - just amazing and I love it.
Woo Hoo 9 days to go